Thursday, October 01, 2009

Troughing it up large at the UN

Having 400 "Experts" attend a conference to decide on what cultural traditions are important is a Total F@#king disgrace. Unless I am mistaken, member states contribute cash to this bunch of goons, which no doubt comes from tax. I would expect the Australian, and if they were wise NZ government to up stakes and abandon the UN, as this is irrefutable proof that it is a corrupt waste of money, time and space organisation.

Lets see, there is no more poverty in the world?, nope still plenty of that around. We have global peace?, nope still plenty of war torn countries and conflict. The threat of nuclear armament is no longer a specter haunting the world?, not while we stil have the Kim Jong-il's and Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's of this world. So WTF are they f@#ing around wasting time and money on this sort of crap.

While the world is going through recession, these pigs at the UN are troughing up large at our expense. I have no doubt that these 400 freeloaders didn't travel economy, are not staying at a Hotel Formule 1, and are not thrashing out this crap over a quarter pounder at the local macca's.

This is like a world heritage listing but for cultural traditions. Since when do these come under threat.

Lets put the tango to the multi choice test.

The tango needs preserving because which of the following is most likely to happen.

a) All Latin Americans will be struck with amnesia over night and forget it completely
b) All of Latin America will wake up tomorrow and say "nah we are over this tango thing, lets do the Macarena instead".
c) The planet will be taken over by aliens, who will enslave us and ban the tango, instead making us watch endless reruns of Happy Days
d) Elvis will come out of hiding and record a blues album with Marily Manson
e) None of the above you UN flunkie morons.

So I say screw the A$%holes, the UN can go to hell.

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